Numerology changed my life!

With thousands of readings behind me, and meeting so many beautiful souls along the way, I continue the journey and look forward to sharing the gift of Intuitive Numerology & Love Math with you!

Passionate about sharing the gift of Numerology and Love Math

Numerology changed my life! Not just because it led to my departure from the corporate world and into a spiritual one, but because it gave me an understanding of my personality and relationships. It revealed why I felt responsible for the outcome of everything and everyone, and why I found myself in the same situation over and over again (queue the karmic debt).

There's a high and low vibration to every number. Recognizing many of my less attractive, lower vibrating attributes, I made some BIG CHANGES! Many new relationships, a new career, and a new name!

Over 10-years ago I began studying Pythagorean Numerology. I was fascinated with the accuracy. My first readings were accidental and unassuming party guests. I couldn't help myself when I got into a group of people.

After many courses and certifications in everything from Realm Reader, Angel Card Reader, Certified Crystal Healer, Dream Interpretation, Akashic Records and of course Numerology, I received a major sign from the Universe, a big push from my husband, and began The Joy of Numerology (it was my personal 8-year after all, is there a better time to start a business?). 

I can help you 

Reveal your

soul contract

Readings can predict the success of a relationship, your career, reveal karma, money blocks and much more. Gain understanding of how to move and make decisions with the natural flow and drumbeat of your life.


special talents & gifts

Your name & birthdate can help you choose a rewarding career path, predict compatibility in relationships, bring understanding to situations, or pick an auspicious date for special occasions and epic events.


Love Math can predict compatibility and show your likely areas of discord. Your Destiny Number will reveal your career strengths, your Soul Number will show your true heart's desire and most compatible mate.


A Beginner's Guide to Numerology

#1                     Best Seller

by Joy Woodward


Delve into the magic of numbers, unravel destiny's mysteries, and discover your life's purpose. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or just starting your journey follow us as we decode the universe, one digit at a time.

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