Joy woodward

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Internationally acclaimed Pythagorean numerologist revolutionizing our understanding of numbers

Joy Woodward is an internationally acclaimed Pythagorean numerologist, reader, healer, the founder of the Joy of Numerology, and bestselling author of “A Beginner's Guide to Numerology.”

With her expertise, she is revolutionizing our understanding of the mystical language of numbers, and has empowered thousands, including celebrities and influencers, to optimize personal performance, ignite soul-aligned connections, and overcome barriers to success.

Featured in Women's Health, DailyOM and Well+Good, Joy brings a fresh and modern perspective to Numerology. Her dynamic personality and intuitive insights have made her a sought-after expert in the field. She has been a guest on many top podcasts including Lavendaire and Spiraling Higher.  

Joy lives in Edmonton, Alberta, with her husband and dog Wolfgang, where her intuitive readings continue to transform lives.

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A Beginner's Guide to Numerology

"What if I told you there's a tool that can help you understand the motivations of your family, friends, co-workers and make all your relationships more predictable?"

  • featured on list of best numerology books
  • 25 Best Numerology Books of All Time


"By divine guidance I met Joy at a metaphysical workshop 

I was getting my spiritual workshop business started and about to become a life coach. I was in a 5 personal year and deeply required guidance. I've been learning how to live by the numbers ever since and it has created more grace and ease in my life."

— Kelly

“After following Joy on Facebook I ordered her book, then read it cover to cover. A great read!

She has explained the concepts in a way that makes it easy to understand and follow. I contacted Joy again to book a reading for myself to experience a reading for a  more in-depth look at my chart. Joy used her years of experience and intuitive wisdom to help in my planning."  

— Donna

“Even better than I hoped.

Opening myself up to numerology has been a life altering experience. Her book has deepened my respect and appreciation for the practice. The knowledge has enhanced my compassion and understanding of others and myself. I'm so glad I've been connected to this book."

— Kathy


An intricate mixture of science, mythology, and philosophy and the key to decoding the Universe and finding your soul’s purpose.

Q. Is Numerology a Crystal Ball? Can it predict the future?

While numerology does not predict specific events with certainty, it provides valuable guidance and insights into the energies and influences at play in your life. By analyzing numerical patterns and cycles, an experienced Numerologist can offer forecasts and probabilities based on the current trajectory of your life path. However, it's essential to remember that free will and personal choices also play a significant role in shaping your future outcomes.

Q. What is Numerology For?

Numerology helps you tap into your highest potential. Ultimately, it guides you to better understand yourself and those around you, tap into your intuition, make smarter choices, maximize your potential on certain days and in certain years, understand compatibility with friends and romantic partners, take advantage of auspicious timing, and decide when to act and when to wait. 

Q. How is Numerology different from Astrology?

Numerology is the language of numbers, Astrology is the language of the stars. Numerology and Astrology actually compliment each other, they seldom contradict. While in astrology your birth time is needed for a thorough reading, in Numerology you only need your Full Birth Certificate Name and birthdate. They provide different angles to view the findings from.


Delve into the magic of numbers, unravel destiny's mysteries, and discover your life's purpose. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or just starting your journey follow us as we decode the universe, one digit at a time.

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