As we approach the end of 2024, it’s time to create your very own cosmic Wrapped!
Think of this as your spiritual highlight reel: releasing what no longer serves you, celebrating your wins, and setting intentions for collective magic in 2025. Who doesn’t love a meaningful ritual with a touch of fire?

Step 1: Release the Heavy Stuff
Let’s start by clearing out the clutter. Who or what drained your energy this year? Toxic relationships, bad habits, scarcity mindsets, jealousy, or comparison—whatever’s been weighing you down, write it all out.
Use a piece of paper, a birch log (if you’re feeling fancy), or even some bay leaves. Reflect on what each item taught you. No lessons learned? Dig deeper—the universe loves a redo and will keep sending similar challenges until you’re ready to graduate. Thank the people and situations involved (yes, even that date who taught you what you’re not looking for). Burn your list and watch the smoke carry your resentment away. Big exhale and let it go!
Step 2: Channel the Gratitude Vibes
Now that you’ve created space, it’s time to fill your heart with gratitude. Write down at least 11 things that made 2024 shine: the people who supported you, the opportunities you attracted, and the wins (both big and small). Don’t forget to include gratitude for your health, your home, and those little surprises—like finding a forgotten $20 in your pocket.
For an added magical touch, sprinkle flower petals, dried rosemary, or sage on your gratitude list. Burn it with intention, picturing the smoke as a direct line to the universe, carrying your heartfelt appreciation to the Divine. Bonus: dance it out while the list burns to really raise those vibes!
Step 3: Wish Big (For Everyone!)
For your final list, shift your focus outward. What are your hopes for the collective? Wish for harmony, global healing, and a world filled with kindness and compassion. Imagine a universal awakening to gratitude and respect for all paths. Burn this list, releasing your intentions into the cosmos.
(Remember, this part is not about you or personal goal-setting. Save that for a new moon ceremony in 2025, when the cosmic energy supports new beginnings.)
When to Do This Ceremony
The last full moon of 2024 sets the stage for this ritual, and the waning moon phase (starting December 15) is ideal for release. If you’re looking to amplify the magic, perform this ceremony on the Winter Solstice (December 21). The solstice is the longest night of the year—a powerful moment for reflection and renewal. As the light begins its return, it symbolizes the shedding of the old and the welcoming of the new.
Prepping for 2025: A 9 Universal Year
2025 brings the transformative energy of a 9 Universal Year. It’s a time of fruition, closure, and completion—a chance to let go of what doesn’t serve you and make space for fresh opportunities. Think of it as a cosmic Marie Kondo moment: clear the clutter, embrace what sparks joy, and step into alignment with your highest self.
Want to dive deeper into 2025’s numerology? Click here for insights on the 9 Universal Year.
Let’s Wrap Up 2024 in Style!
Make your lists, find some matches, and grab a sprig of sage. As we release, receive, and reflect, let’s set the stage for an abundant and magical 2025. Cheers to cosmic alignment and transformation!
Your Personalized Numerology Calendar is your guide to purposeful living and cosmic alignment. Transform your year into a journey of intentional growth, release, and soul evolution.

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