How to write an Effective Soul Release Letter
Release to Receive: Reclaim Your Power
Karma isn’t a life sentence. It’s a choice. And the choice to forgive is how you reclaim your power. It’s not easy, but neither is carrying the weight of the past. There is no better time to cut the energetic cords of resentment than under the waning full moon, during an eclipse cycle, or under the numerology of a 9 energy phase. These are cosmic windows designed for soul-level purging. They offer opportunities to release what no longer serves you, clearing space for transformation and healing. Release is not just an energetic reset. It is a karmic cleanse. Forgiveness is the catalyst, because forgiveness breaks karma.
Karma isn’t some untouchable force controlling your fate. It’s a loop, and you have the power to break it. Resentment, anger, and hurt keep you locked in the same cycles, drawing the same patterns and relationships until the lesson finally lands. Forgiveness is what sets you free. It’s not about excusing behavior or erasing the past. It’s about choosing to stop carrying it. That choice is the ultimate act of self-liberation.
This is not a polite letter. This is not an insincere or sugar-coated apology. This is an exorcism of old wounds. One of the most powerful ways to release is through a Soul Release Letter. This ritual allows you to express and purge deep-seated emotions, bringing a sense of closure and peace.

Soul Release Letter Ritual
At the full moon, especially as it begins to wane, write a letter to release the anger, grief, frustration, or resentment that lingers or triggers you. This is not the time to be polite. Let it all out. If it involves a specific person, company, institution, or system that wronged you, address it directly.
Step 1: Purge
Start with:
Dear Soul of ________, (person, company, bank, employer, or any entity)
Then, write everything you have held back. Say what you wanted to say but felt you could not. Do not censor yourself. Use any language necessary. Let the words pour out without overthinking. This is for your release, not for anyone else’s approval.
Your pain has been living rent-free in your energy long enough. Consider this its eviction notice.
Step 2: Take Responsibility
Before moving into gratitude, take a moment to acknowledge the role you played in the situation. This requires emotional maturity and radical self-awareness. It is not about blaming yourself. It is about recognizing any patterns, reactions, or choices that contributed to the experience. Maybe you ignored red flags. Maybe you let guilt override your intuition. Maybe you trusted an institution that failed you, believed in false promises, or stayed in a toxic job too long. True release requires honesty.
Forgive yourself for any regrets, missteps, misunderstandings, or pain you may have caused, whether consciously or unconsciously. You are human, and growth comes from learning. When you choose to forgive yourself, you break the cycle and allow true healing to take place.
Step 3: Find the Lesson
This is the step most people overlook, and skipping it will keep you stuck.
What did this betrayal or unfair experience teach you? Did it reveal a pattern you have ignored? Did it show you where you needed stronger boundaries, deeper trust in your intuition, or more self-worth? Did it teach you to ask more questions, read the fine print, or stop expecting integrity from a system designed to serve itself? Did it finally show you how to recognize a narcissist, manipulator, or energy vampire before they sink their hooks in? The lesson is the key that unlocks the door to true release.
If you do not learn anything, you have just purchased another ticket on the wheel of karma, and the lesson will repeat until you do.
Step 4: Express Gratitude
Once you have emptied your heart and acknowledged the lesson, express gratitude for the experience. Thank the Universe, your Guides, God, Angels, Ancestors, or whomever you resonate with for the opportunity to grow and evolve. Thank the person, company, or system you are writing to for playing a role in your soul’s evolution. This one can be tough, but this is the moment you reclaim your power!
Step 5: Release and Burn
Detach from the outcome. Release control. The past cannot be changed, but your relationship with it can.
End the letter with:
“I now release you in all directions of space and time. You are free, I am free.”
Sign it. I personally like to add my birthdate as a little Universal locator.
Then, in a safe place, BURN IT!
Optional: Add a sprig of sage, rosemary, or a bay leaf to the flame as an offering of gratitude for the Divine’s help in transmuting your resentments, or a pinch of salt to seal the release.
The Fire Tells a Story
Do not take photos. Do not keep copies. Even if your writing feels worthy of publication, burn it. Watch the fire consume your words, your pain, and your anger. Pay attention to how it burns.
🔥 Instant flash to ash? The release is working. You’re letting go.
🔥 Slow, smoldering burn? A part of you is still holding on. This wound runs deep.
🔥 Names or words remain in the ashes? The cycle isn’t complete. Pay attention to what still lingers.
I once experienced a betrayal so deep that I wrote a Soul Release Letter every full moon for a year. Some months, the letter vanished instantly. Other times, the flames hesitated, forcing me to confront the emotions still lingering. Be patient with yourself. Some wounds take time to unravel.
As the smoke rises, visualize it carrying away all that no longer belongs to you. Feel the shift. Feel the weight lift. Exhale!
Scatter the ashes or release them to the wind with full certainty that the Universe is making space for something breathtaking.
This is the moment your past stops defining your future. Trust that the Universe will take care of the rest.
There is no right or wrong way to do this ritual. Only your way. Follow your intuition and let the magic unfold.
Trust that what you release will create space for something greater.
Fire purifies. Air carries. Water cleanses. Earth grounds. This ritual is more than words. It is an alchemy of transformation, calling on the sacred elements to transmute, release, and restore balance. Scatter the ashes into the wind to carry them far from you. Offer them to water to wash them away. Return them to the earth to ground the lesson. Let the fire transform, let the ashes settle, and let the Universe take care of the rest.
Wishing you release, renewal, and karmic freedom. May the waning moon and the numerology cycles of 9 clear the path for your highest good.

Make sure to order by Attitude #, Day+Month of Birth